If you are truly serious about improving your fashion game, then one of the things you need to do is develop a look that is truly your own. In other words, you need to figure out a foolproof look that you can always go to. This should give you a template of things you should wear while still giving you a myriad of options when it comes to possible variations.

Don’t know where to start? Well, a good place to do so would be to picture the ensembles that make you feel comfortable in your own skin. Alternatively, you can also seek help from people close to you by asking them which outfits you look great in. That being said, if you ever come across an article of clothing that you need to talk yourself into, then chances are you should probably skip that one.

When putting together your look, be sure to avoid overmatching different articles of clothing. Instead, you should go with different colors that help enhance one another. A simple look at the color wheel should help you choose the items most suited to each other.


Getting dressed and putting together an outfit is simply one of those routines that would be impossible to avoid, no matter your line of work. However, despite being an everyday occurrence, it can still often feel frustrating. The feeling of not having anything to wear is a daily conundrum that most of us have to go through every morning. Luckily, we are here to make things a bit easier for you. Take note that the following tips come directly from fashion experts, retailers, and industry leaders so be sure to take note.

Pay attention to proportions

As common sense would tell you, you want your outfit to highlight the parts you are proud of while also taking attention away from the parts you wish to downplay. Of course, that can be a bit tricky but it is certainly possible if you know what you are doing. For instance, you can opt to add opposite volume to even out your proportions. It is all about redirecting the eyes.

Age-Appropriate Fashion

Most people forget that being comfortable in your own skin is a crucial component to dressing well. To look fashionable is to dress in age-appropriate ways. This means adapting to the latest fashion trends while not looking kitsch.