For most women, a handbag is the most important accessory that they can’t leave the house without. While some women have two or three multifunctional bags, there are others with over ten handbags. However, when it comes to work, it’s always important to have a suitable handbag that you can carry to work – one which has the capacity to fit all the essentials you need for work while still giving you that classy million-dollar look.

Because handbags for work rarely change – usually the same one week in week out – it’s essential that you buy a work handbag that you will really love and is durable for when you have to fill it with unnecessary stuff that you don’t even use but have to carry around. While it’s important to choose a good-looking bag that helps us look good, a pretty bag shouldn’t top your list of things to consider.

Factoring in practical features that are bound to make your bag fit the purchase purpose should be your first consideration. The time it takes to get to work is another factor that you should consider when buying a bag. If you have a long commute and need to carry lots of essentials, a bag with thin straps won’t last you a year. Same rule applies to you if you carry a laptop to work. Choosing a bag with a laptop compartment means that your device is protected and that it can carry the weight.

If you are shopping around for a work handbag, here are some of the best handbags for work that you can buy.


The Regent Tote Handbag


If you are one of those ladies that don’t travel light, the Regent tote handbag is all you need. This classic tote bag is popular within the circle of working-class women because it’s large and can fit plenty of stuff. Made form calf leather and suede, it comes in multiple colors – black, tan, Carrera and Boudreaux – with a large compartment that can fit a tablet or small laptop. It has a simple design that makes it chilled yet classy.


It is more spacious making it suitable for carrying several stuff or even an extra blouse if you need to change for a date after work. It comes with a linked zipper pouch that can be used as a purse when going out for a drink or dinner.


Lacks a close mechanism leaving your belongings exposed.


Kurt Geiger London Womens Horizontal Tote

Kurt Geiger London Womens Violet Horizontal Tote


If a black handbag gives you somber mood, that’s not all the color you can get with the Kurt Geiger London Womens Horizontal Tote handbag. While it sorts of has the same look with Saint Laurent, it is more affordable. It also has a two-strap adjustment.


It has a practical design that makes it professional and classy at the same time. It is much more affordable than other handbags in our review.


While it looks big, it’s a little small and can’t fit a laptop.

Burberry Grained Leather Shoulder Bag

Burberry Small Buckle Tote in Grainy Plum


If you desire a work handbag that is stylish and made from leather, look no further than the Burberry Grained leather shoulder bag. It stands out from typical women’s handbags. Besides, the sides have a checked detailing that’s woven which gives the bag a unique style. If you love making a fashion statement, ensure your wardrobe has one of this.


A checked detailing that’s woven adding style to the bag. It can be carried on the palm, forearm as well as across the body. It makes for a good bag if you love carrying few things.


Definitely not everyone’s style.

Aspinal of London Essential Tote Deer Saffiano Leather Bag

aspinal leather tote


The Large Florence Saffiano bag has an understated elegance coupled with a unique style. It is handcrafted in elegant Italian calf leather and lined with an interior that has a shimmering grosgrain. It has enough space for you to store all your essentials including a zipped internal pocket that is easily accessible and a mobile phone pocket. You can carry the bag with the leather top handle or across the body using the detachable shoulder strap.


The different compartments make it easy to organize your stuff. It is handcrafted with so much attention to detail. It has a top handle and a detachable shoulder strap for when your hands need to breathe.


Lacks enough space for carrying a laptop.

Saint Laurent Women’s Handbag



This bag is designed for the 21st-century woman. If you just got a new job or through your hard work, got a promotion and need a work handbag that helps you settle into your new role, this is the handbag for you. Don’t let the outward appearance fool you. This handbag is not only sleek, but it’s more versatile. And because carrying a bag on the forearm can be exhausting, it comes with a detachable shoulder strap so that once in a while, your arm can rest. It also has a removable zip pouch that is ideal for keeping your most valuable items such as keys so that you don’t lose them.


Great value for your money based on its excellent leather quality. It has a removable pouch that allows you to keep your home and office keys. The two-strap adjustment means you have alternative ways of carrying the bag


Not ideal for carrying a laptop and is pricey.

Final Thoughts

When buying a work handbag, the best design won’t cut unless it’s functional. Most times, we leave the house in a rush and want something that can allow us to throw all manner of things inside and get to the office on time. As such, always look at the amount of space that the handbag you want to buy for work has and see whether it will fit everything you need always to carry to work.